This year's "Ocean of Knowledge" theme plunges us into the mysteries and riches of the seas and oceans!
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The Fête de la Science is a national science outreach event that promotes science for everyone. During this event, the general public and schoolchildren have the opportunity to meet those involved in research, discover the sciences and gain a better understanding of the world around us. Every year, tens of thousands of visitors gather in the Alpes-Maritimes.
The Fête de la Science à Sospel is organized by Jérôme Gattini, SVT teacher at Sospel's Collège Jean Médecin, in partnership with the...
The Fête de la Science à Sospel is organized by Jérôme Gattini, SVT teacher at Sospel's Collège Jean Médecin, in partnership with the...
Opening times
On 12 October 2024 from 09:30 to 12:30