©Drone De Regard

The Route des Grandes Alpes

The epic journey

Over 700km, 17 mountain passes and 3 national nature parks: the Route des Grandes Alpes sets the scene for one of the most awe-inspiring journeys to quench your thirst for adventure! It’s jam-packed with winding roads and stunning scenery from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean. Cross the French Alps, reach Menton from Thonon-les-Bains and stop off in our villages and valleys for a well-earned break and bite to eat! Hop in your car, on your motorbike or bike for a legendary road trip and big gulp of fresh air…

Once upon a time,

there was a road…

Roads were built between the large French valleys in the 19th century to open up the mountain villages. They set the scene for a new building site of epic proportions in 1909: the creation of the Route des Grandes Alpes. The French Touring Club had the idea of building the road to showcase the mountain’s scenery and encourage tourism among cyclists then road users. The route was completed in 1937 and opened this outstanding area of natural and cultural heritage to the world.

The result was as spectacular as expected: the Route des Grandes Alpes starts in Thonon-les-Bains, by Lake Geneva, and ends in Menton and the Mediterranean shores. It runs through 6 departments, up 17 mountain passes and covers almost 700km of mountain roads.


The most beautiful mountain road in the world

Léon Auscher, vice-president of the French Touring Club, says, “it will be a unique road in Europe and, we can safely say with no exaggeration, the most beautiful mountain road in the world.”

Nature experiences


Like anything, it’s not the destination on the Route des Grandes Alpes; it’s the journey that counts! And what a journey… The road takes you through magical scenery and villages where life is good.

When it comes to nature, there are all sorts of things to do: hikes or bike rides in the Authion mountains, stroll beneath the chestnut trees in Moulinet, gaze out over the waterfalls and Gorges du Piaon formed by the Bévéra… And how about having a go at trout fishing in the category 1 river?

