Menton Lemons
Menton and the Lemon
An age-old love affair
Starting in 1341, the people of Menton increased their olive production and the first citrus fruits appeared. In the 17th and 18th centuries, citrus growing in Menton really took off: the first legal texts regulated this crop and the lemon trade. Lemon growing reached its peak in the mid-18th to mid-19th centuries. Some 35 million lemons were exported annually, mainly to England, Germany, Russia and even North America. The fruit then went into decline until it was revived in the 1990s, when it obtained its PGI in 2015.
Menton Lemons
An exceptional lemon
The Menton Lemon is distinguished from other varieties by its oval shape, its fragrance, mild acidity, the thickness of its skin and its colour which changes according to the season. It is pale yellow at the start of its life and becomes bright yellow when ripe. Grown following the traditional methods of past generations, the Menton Lemon is picked by hand. It does not undergo any chemical treatment after harvesting and is not coated with any wax. Go and meet the producers at the markets or on their farms!
An Advantageous Climate
for the Menton Lemon
The Menton lemon flourishes thanks to Menton’s exceptional climate, with moderate conditions and a coastal environment. With the Mediterranean Sea nearby and natural protection from the northern winds, the Menton area benefits from a microclimate ideal for growing this golden fruit.
A Culture Rooted
in Local History
Growing Menton lemons plays a part in preserving the terraced landscape. ‘Restanques’ are dry-stone retaining walls that allow steep or sloping land to be cultivated. The beauty of the landscapes they create is not their only asset. They also enable water to run off, which is essential for cultivating the crop, and at night, they release the heat of the day, which has accumulated in the stones, thus limiting the effects of frost on the lemon crops.
The Menton Lemon:
A renowned and protected fruit
Since 2015, this golden fruit has held the Protected Geographical Indication. This PGI is the result of a long process of recognition that aims to standardise production and enhance the image of Menton Lemons. It ensures that the link between the product and its terroir is maintained. This is also the only French lemon to have obtained this label of excellence.
Menton Lemons
Employed by some of the greatest chefs
This exceptional fruit with its unrivalled flavour has been acclaimed by top chefs, including Mauro Colagreco, chef at Le Mirazur, and Joël Garault, who has worked hard to obtain the label. Mauro Colagreco even joined the association promoting Menton lemons in 2019, by becoming a PGI-approved producer himself, thus moving from the kitchen to the land.
The Legend
of this Golden Fruit
If you get chatting with the locals, they’ll tell you a lovely story. A story about forbidden fruit. They’ll tell you that when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, Eve took with her, not an apple, no, no, my friends… Eve took a lemon, oh yes, a lemon… Adam, who was afraid of divine reprisals, asked her to get rid of it, but for Eve, no landscape seemed worthy of the golden fruit. And then people will tell you how enchanted Eve was when she reached the Bay of Garavan, how enchanted she was at the sight of such a lush, rich, green land, just like her lost paradise. And they will eventually reveal that it was in the land of Menton that this golden fruit was buried. And, that all the lemon trees you see on the terraces, are proof of this…
Lemons and locals have had such a tight bond since 1934 that Menton has hosted the Fête du Citron every year since then. A colourful and flavourful event!