It was built by a man who lived a bit like a hermit in the 1970s and did not mix much with the population of Breil.
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It is oriented approximately East-West.
It is a Celtic stone cross, about 1.20 m high, placed on a square base covered with mortar, trapezoidal in shape, 1.10 m square at the base, 80 cm at the top and about 1.90 m high.
The circle has small godrons, small spherical balls.
The two branches of the cross are of equal length but the base has a stylised flower motif on all four sides.
Given its weight, a means of lifting was required for its installation.
It is probably a reused work. On...
It is a Celtic stone cross, about 1.20 m high, placed on a square base covered with mortar, trapezoidal in shape, 1.10 m square at the base, 80 cm at the top and about 1.90 m high.
The circle has small godrons, small spherical balls.
The two branches of the cross are of equal length but the base has a stylised flower motif on all four sides.
Given its weight, a means of lifting was required for its installation.
It is probably a reused work. On...
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