N. MAGNARDI, ethnologist, was in charge of mediation at the Musée des Merveilles de Tende where she designed her first tactile guided tours.
"Museum O" refers to the museum field, MEANING to: giving meaning to the object using its five senses.
"Museum O" refers to the museum field, MEANING to: giving meaning to the object using its five senses.
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Nathalie Magnardi through her structure "Musée Ô Sens" offers original, lively guided tours, resolutely adapted to the groups she accompanies. These are based on her rich and solid cultural background and her creativity with a great deal of finesse. Author of the book "Roches confidentes. Dessins et témoignages gravées de la Vallée des Merveilles (Apes-Maritimes) du Moyen Âge à nos jours" (Drawings and engraved testimonies of the Vallée des Merveilles (Apes-Maritimes) from the Middle Ages to...
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Contact Musée Ô Sens - Nathalie Magnardi: Ethnologist, cultural mediation, tour guide, cultural activities, creation of educational tools.